Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Donald Trump ~ Fall of America & Fall of the dollar & Economic collapse

This economy needs to totally collapse already....let's just get it over with. I feel like i'm dying a slow painful death in slow motion. Our Country has been dancing with the Devil for many years now, and flirting with disaster. The time has come...the time is now. We need an all out collapse, so we can push the reset button & start over.

1 comment:

  1. Donald you are right in many areas but what you need to realize is that all you are aware of is all by design. The free w2orld must go for the NWO. Now congress inst stupid they get rich on doing what they are told to do. Look at the history every law that we live with came out of them. You might even say next to the Banksters they are second in line of fault. Now finally OPEC does not determine the price of OIL the ELITE does. To prove this they have stated that they will not open the oil reserves in Alaska till oil is 7 to 8 bucks a gallon. They6 control all. It matters not who is in office or which party it is all the same. The sell out of America.
