Monday, 17 December 2012

Government Secrets ~ What Obama Knows about Dec 21 2012 and Wont Tell You About it

Government Secrets ~ What Obama Knows about Dec 21 2012 and Wont Tell You About it

Why is the seed vault so away of the reach of regular people supposed "Survivors"? Question is kinda obvious. its not meant for us only for elites . Don't think world will end... literally... For some people it will because they are soo dependent on the system that when it collapses it will be the end of the world to them. Its all a matter of perception what you call the end of the world. The supreme "intellect" is hard at work.Got to keep that non-existent image in the mind of their people. Ain't worked so far,not for the strong Kemetic mind. Oh we know events are coming,but man's data can't track it.I think that your media/government is blocking out what is really going on here in the USA. Alot of people are starting to exodus.


  1. Hogland really got it wrong here. Five years later we can see that Obama's chosen task is not to bring us back to the founding fathers idea of America but rather just the opposite. To turn America into a corporate fascist totalitarian state.

  2. This guy has NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IDEA of what he's talking about regarding Obama! This guy is a Muslim/Fascist through and through. As far as the Mayan's are concerned, they ate their babies, so who on EARTH would listen to these Satanists?!There's going to be an "AWAKENING" alright, and it's gonna through alot of people for a LOOP!

  3. This is obama you have got it all wrong
