Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Obama Wants a Civil War in America

The elite engineered programs like: Multi-generational welfare families, The Great Society Social Spending, Affirmative Action, Diversity, Integration, and Political Correctness have not been the sweet heart deal advertised. In fact the results have been devastating and lethal, perhaps the death of America. Sad as it may be about some psycho kills young children with a gun, however if you think for 1 second, anyone in power is shedding tears over the tragic loss of life and the effect it has on their families, you are very wrong. 'They' are going to milk this for all it's worth to ban firearms... i wonder how many people are killed with knives or Hammers ect...does that make those things Dangerous?


  1. Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of 'violence' to defend innocents against bullying, oppression

    Please consider this,it is more then obviouse what the Power that be is looking for: in USA

    "Bolshevik" so called revolution( coup d'état) have instaled a power who confiscated all guns, whatsoever. The result was that the State terrorism freely killed more than 35-40 milions people without any difficulty. The worst genocide of all times.
    Hitler's nazi did the same, they confiscated all guns and then the State terror was free to do what they want. Result: you know very well. !
    The criminal Mao and his willing executionaires did the same, after they confiscated all guns from the people .
    Then was the 50% of Europe or former communist East -European country ! Tens of millions people were deprived from their fundamental rights and milions died just like that after the guns were confiscated by the Power( read State)
    Pol Pot (Cambodgia ) first confiscated and then the State terrorism did the most horrific crime all times ( USSR, China and German's "born to be killers" not included in this list) .
    Therefore if you USA citiezen will give -up this fundamental right then the State terrorism will make you a very bad surprise . Try to imagine what to expect in the near future .

    1. What a load of old rubbish from ridiculous and mouthy gun loving red necks morons. The people who worship and love their guns and hate human beings. There was no restriction on guns in America and the white idiots exterminated a whole continent of Indians. 30,000 people die every year because idiots carry guns in the USA. Roughly divided into 3 groups, one group accidents caused by foolishness and ineptitude, one group of suicides and a further group of people purposely gunned down.
      In Europe and Japan on the other hand with proper safeguards that keep idiots from having guns there is rarely more than 100 gun deaths per country. Breivik killed enough people to make up for 10 years worth of gun deaths in Norway. Of course Breivik would make a good member of the NRA as he loves guns and hates people.

      All the statistics put out by NRA supporters are entirely lies. Guns were not confiscated anywhere that the right wing morons do not like. Hitler never confiscated guns and neither did Mao.

      State terrorism is what America does, as in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Haiti, San Salvador, Nicaragua etc. etc.

      I hope all the gun toting morons get theirs bang, bang bang!!!

    2. No worries Phil Gibbons, the state is here to protect you against these crazy people. Recept for the 1,706,886 law enforcement officers, 5,034,983 convicted felons, or 286,436,642 active military that could potentially go crazy at any moment.

      I mean with odds like that, you should be pretty safe. And if you don't feel that way, no worries sir. You can instead of carry a gun, just carry a police officer on your back. Unless of course the police officer goes crazy. At that point I have no idea what you should do because you have no way to actually defend yourself.

      If another evil tyranny rises again such as Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Hitler come enslave and kill millions of people. No worries sir, luckly you can predict the future so it won't happen. Don't worry about the universal law of science. Every living organism on this planet got to this point from being weak and defenceless.
