Thursday, 25 April 2013

April 25, 2013: ECLIPSE Tonight, Spaceweather Update

Preliminary Arctic Heat Alert:
Based on 24hour surface pressure predictions from WOW, North-Eastern Canada will be the recipient of a direct line of air movement all the way from the Gulf of Mexico. At that time, the high pressure will be forcing northward on it's back end while a low moving across Canada now will drive it further north on the leading edge. Those who have been here and understand pressure drive on the wind will see this in tomorrow's predicted north America surface map.

We are/were fed lies about ourselves , not only about our surroundings. In psychology it is widely accepted that humans are selfish beings, they only do things which benefit themselves in the end. Lately there has been some studies which show exactly the opposite, that we are truly cooperative beings and helping each other is our true nature. We are born with everything we need. Your vessel(your body) consist of interwoven mind, body, and spirit. That ship, vessel(your body) has a mind to think, a mind to choose, hopefully a wise spirit to choose to do the right thing, to sail these waters and seas(nation, kingdom, country). Those who are in charge think your to ignorant, and put others at risk with your actions. UCC code, maritime law, our court systems was never meant to replace moral law(Love), it was just the remedy. I am often humbled by the fact that there is nothing that I can do to control the universe but am in submission to its magnitude and harmony. And am left experiencing gratitude for life and a connectedness to everything living in harmony. Even though it seems that we are in chaos sometimes, still the universe operates so that life goes on another day for most. I stand in awe of the Creator's majesty beauty

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