Saturday, 27 April 2013

Rachel Maddow attacks Alex Jones Glenn Beck & Ron Paul - April 26, 2013

Rachel Maddow brought up the false flag, government destruction theories being pushed by InfoWars and its star figure, Alex Jones. You remember Alex Jones, the crazy guy who went ballistic on Piers Morgan? Well, he's been out in full force again, but this time it's coupled with an endorsement by none other than Matt Drudge. Rachel Maddow Alex Jones Infowars Epic Rant Part 2 goes after infowars,alex jones,glenn beck, ron paul


  1. Ms. Rachel Maddow, can you read English? ...if the answer is "YES" then read this news from PressTV ( PressTv is blocked in Europe for reason...illuminati control!)

  2. Open your eyes lady, are you their mouthpiece good luck to you I hope they are paying you well. And they are telling the truth HAHAHAHAHA.

  3. very nice speech, Mrs Maddow, but apart from having a nice face and an gentle smile you PROVED NOTHING, to me it is only BLABLABLA, and beleive me I just wanted to be convinced that A.Jones is B.S., but for the moment, he showed evidence, you only showed your pen, sorry,.... not convincing AT ALL

  4. I'm pretty sure she is CFR

  5. If stupidity were a disease, Maddow would be highly contagious. If 'truth' was the cure, Maddow would be saved and "scared straight",..and might even find a "mainstream" position for herself..
