Tuesday, 30 April 2013

O'Reilly tells Colmes to SHUT UP During Interview over Over Tsarnaev Welfare Benefits

O'Reilly tells Colmes to SHUT UP During Interview over Over Tsarnaev Welfare Benefits

 (FoxNews) On Tuesday's 'Factor,' Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley reacted to reports that the Tsarnaev family received $100,000 in welfare benefits in the time they lived in the United States. Things got heated between Colmes and O'Reilly after Colmes said, "I think this is manufactured outrage to go after people who are on welfare, go after immigrants."

Colmes stressed that at the time, we had no way of knowing that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would become terrorists. "We didn't have a time machine back then," he said.

O'Reilly interrupted, "Wait, Colmes. Shut up, shut up. Alright. Driving a Mercedes-Benz automobile and getting welfare -- that's OK?!"

Colmes pointed out that the Mercedes-Benz was old .. much to O'Reilly's frustration.

"The bottom line is this: there is no supervision over any of this. No supervision on asylum, no supervision on welfare payments. You can con the system. Yet you wouldn't do anything about it!" O'Reilly charged.


  1. Gee I thought people were innocent until proven guilty eh? Where is the evidence this is bull shit, since when is being on welfare or driving an old car makes one guilty. These brothers were not terrorists they were PATSIES. We have a book of patsies and the list grows bigger every day.

  2. @GrinNBarrett Tell that to the families mourning their loved ones!

  3. I really can't feel sorry for people like you Beth, anymore. The evidence is out there about this and so much more. I have given up hope on people like you that cannot see beyond the propaganda machine. How sad. People like you are the reason we are in the state we are in.

  4. Hey O'Reilly, do us ALL a favor, and YOU SHUT UP, you SELL OUT!!! Then again, you're ALL sell outs! These guys were SET UP, plain and simple! This country is sooooooooooooo FAR GONE it BREAKS MY HEART! Then again, what do we expect from 60 million abortion since "Roe versus Wade," same sex unions are becoming the norm, and Obam wants to put EVERYONE on food stamps, all by design I might add. But please, continue to arrange the deck chairs on the "Titanic."
