Friday, 26 April 2013

Martial Law LockDown 1 Million People Watertown MA - End Times News Update 4-26-13

26 April 2013 Martial Law LockDown 1 Million People Watertown MA - End Times News Update 4-26-13 Police State

Let’s see…there was the 9/11 attacks, Boston strangler, Christopher Dorner, Son of Sam, and other occurrences where over 9000+ police and militray didn’t lock down an entire city under martial law. Do they really believe that martial law can stop future attacks and keep us safe if they failed to keep us safe from these occurrences, which happened over the course of years? They need to get real with themselves and stop robbing the people of their liberties under false pretenses!!!!!
An expansion and tightening down of the police state is NOT the answer.

The 2nd amendment is the answer.
There was far less crime when firearms ownership, and carrying a gun openly, was commonplace and didn’t cause a stir of indignation from a bunch of wusses who are too afraid of their own shadow to even contemplate taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their families and communities.
The government loves that “the government will protect me” attitude … It’s the source of tremendous power for the politicians and their agents.
Look at the militarization of our police departments and the growth of the new Gestapo known as DHS.
Look at the FBI and BATF’s assassination of Randy Weaver’s wife and son at Ruby Ridge and their assassination of about 80 innocent men, women and children at Waco … Study those events and you will see that they were murderd by government agents who not only walked free with no punishment, but were actually commended and promoted as a reward when the dust settled after the cover ups.
We don’t need more Gestapo, we need for people to get over their irrational fear of weapons of self-defense (a fear that is being indoctrinated into our children in those government indoctrination centers known as public schools … research that on the Internet too).
People need to realize that, as Ronald Reagan said, “(More) government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem,” and as George Washinton said, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
Protect our right to SELF-defense, take personal responsibility, and stop the cancerous growth of ever tyrannical government power.


  1. It's just so sad that this country has come to this! It makes me wonder what these "Para Military" are thinking when they BREAK DOWN DOORS and push innocent people out of their homes? Is it just me, or are there others that realize that this is just the "Powers That Be" FLEXING THEIR FLAB and seeing how far they can go before American's say "ENOUGH, THIS IS MY LINE ON THE SAND"?!!!

  2. The most shocking thing is the reactions of the people they interview who seem to think this happening is something good.
    For anyone who wondered how the Nazis could get away with going door to door using SS troops and paramilitary as police, there's your answer. Maybe Mr. O needs to grow a small mustache under his nose for people to understand? I'm shocked at how far this has gone. The land of the free?
