Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Boston Weapons of Mass Distinction

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been charges with using weapons of mass destruction in the Boston bombings with a common pressure cooker. He has also been told he may well face the death penalty for something he has not even been on trial for yet. There is not a word for any penalty, or war crimes against humanity for Bush, Blair, Obama, Cameron or Sarkozy still. It is quite amazing to think that this young man, apparently fueled by feelings of revenge for the million people murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan, is being accused of using weapons of mass destruction by the very US government who used depleted uranium nuclear weapons of mass destruction themselves, with impunity in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving its citizens with horrific cancers and birth defects for many millenia to come, 4.5 billion years to be more precise, as the nuclear dust and debris from depleted uranium never goes away, which is mass murder.

The audacity of the US administration is incredible, to brand Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother as terrorists, if indeed they are guilty, because we do not yet know, their acts would simply be the results and consequences of US and Western murder, torture and genocide in the Middle East, on a daily basis. In fact most of the acts of revenge from the Middle Eastern people are a direct response and consequence from the continual abuse by US and the West. We only need ask ourselves how we would feel if we saw own our innocent mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers burnt alive in front of us with Drone attacks from a cowardly 3,000 feet, by megalomaniacs with an insatiable lust for power, money and strategic gain.

Yes it is time for us all to awaken from our deep amnesia, and realize we can no longer sit back and watch as our elected governments destroy our  peace and our planet, and create enemies on a daily basis, and create consequences and feedback loops that will destroy us further down the time line, via insane decisions made now without vision or wisdom. Their foolish decisions create a poison chalice for those they abuse, but which will also be pressed to all of our lips if it is not stopped. That stoppage will come in the form of a new epoch of conscious which is upon us now.

The word epoch comes from the Greek word epokhe, which means stoppage. In all pregnancies there comes a point where the pregnancy stops and the birth begins. We as humans are now at that critical point in our evolution and consciousness, and we are being forced to prepare ourselves now as quickly as possible to let go of what we have been, before it destroys us, and embrace what we must become, a more benign species, if we are to survive – Jason Liosatos

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