Thursday, 25 April 2013

Is China The Threat to the United States of America?

China is the world's most populace nation. China has the world's largest standing military. China is a major economic power and it holds a lot of U.S. debt. China also has problems with corruption, pollution, and its hukou registration system. Will China face civil unrest? Is China prophesied to be wealthy in the end times? Will China takeover the U.S.A. or will it be another power? What does Bible prophecy reveal?


  1. In the recently published book THE END OF AMERICA by John Price, which I highly recommend for reading, the evil force which is going to annihilate America and how this will happen is revealed.

  2. America is being destroyed by American Jews no if's no buts no maybe's, China's corruption Pales into insignificance when compared to the white shoe boys (white Jew boys)on wall Street and the US banks including the private federal Reserve. Complicit in America's collapse is the Jew controlled media! The American gentile is being bled dry by these Jewish leaches. The American people better wake up fast to your complete destruction and slavery to the Jews! that will be your end!

  3. OMG!!!Luxembourg, Monaco and Iceland are going to unite in the ultimate axis of evil and conquer America. I'm really worried now. Help, Save us!!!!!! Save us from these bible thumping idiots.
