Monday, 29 April 2013

Glenn Beck Big Announcement : Obama is Going to Get Impeached !

Glenn Beck: Today Is Beginning Of The End Of Obama Admin - 4/24/2013 - According to Glenn Beck in this video, we have reached the "beginning of the end for so much of this administration." "This is much bigger than we thought" says Glenn. A massive cover-up continues and Janet Napolitano, who Glenn feels will get jail time for her role in this cover-up, is going to be the first to fall. Will Barack Obama soon be impeached for his role in covering-up US government ties to terror in our own country? "A drowning man will pull everyone under, you better make sure they're not grabbing for you." This report from Glenn contains much more new information, including news that unnamed and heroic federal law enforcement agents are deeply involved in investigating this cover-up and several other news organizations have censored reports from their own reporters and investigators. Glenn also shares that he feels that those major news media organizations will soon be "out of business".


  1. Is Beck an ADHD sufferer, can he not finish a sentence he started ?

    1. Obama and Beck came face to face recently... wow!

  2. R u a troll?! Obviously

  3. Everything Glen Beck does is TRASH! Evene if he tells the truth one time no on will believe him or care because he is so full of b.s

    1. You guys must be liberals!!!

  4. Well there's an articulate argument! Wow all those facts supporting why Glenn Beck is full of B.S. You must be a member of the MSM. Completely unable to provide truthful information and facts and sprinkled in with so much bias. I guess because you say he's full of b.s. we should believe you. SMDH!

  5. If Obama is IMPEACHED, it will be so many prayers, as well as fasting answered!!! Oh, and Beck, I HATE to break it to you, but InfoWars has had a GREAT DEAL of this info. looooooooooong before you did! Also, Lyndon Larouche had the "IMPEACHMENT NEWS" weeks before you even mentioned it! Oh PLEASE Lord, let this be the case!!! I DO BELIEVE, I DO BELIEVE, I DO, I DO, I DO BELIEVE!!!

    1. It's good that he's doing this and who cares he's getting it out there to other people. We need all the help we can get. So don't be down on Beck. He's helping us, remember?

    2. OOOOO you know it!!! The People need to know He is a Muslim scum and HE Does Not Like much less love America. His EO's need to revoked and the ovomitcare repealed and trashed. Plus all the money they have stolen repaid BY HIM. Plus Pay back for the million dollar vacations they took.

  6. What a pathetic M O R O N and manipulator Glenn Beck is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We all know Obama deserves impeachment for his crimes against humanity (Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq),for his endless lies (promise to label GMO food, birth certificate), destruction of Constitution and personal liberties (too many examples).
    Who is glenn beck and who is obama?

    1. And you as a judge shows your ignorance of Fathers Word .

    2. And Always REMEMBER our Father is Still in Control

    3. Yes, He 'watches'.

  7. If he is impeached, look who his replacement will be.... pathetic, we need to run the whole thing out

  8. Why does Glenn Beck upset the liberals so much? Why do liberals uphold lies?

    Glenn, thank you for sounding the JUSTICE BELL!

  9. Perhaps if Mr. Beck was not such an ignobly perceived, long-standing raconteur and person of dubious credibility and intestinal fortitude (recall the FEMA expose?)....then some of us would give a damn what he had to say.

    Yes, the president may be a Muslim dog, a hardline Marxist, a thieving, lying traitorous POS determined to undermine our freedoms and destroy our country.

    But if he is such a monster, we can do better to defeat him than relying on the word of a dog-catcher like Beck.

    Both sides are playing many of you now, as you sit at the relative safety of your keyboards and complain.

    Lol. There will be Chaos soon.

    Party's starting....Cheers. ;-)

    - N

    1. Shut the page, huh?


  10. Did I miss something or did he not really reveal what the news is?
