Sunday, 28 April 2013

More Proof Actors Used In Boston Bombing

The actors were part of the bombing drill at the finish line that was caught on camera by the MSM. The MSM would have you think there were two bombs …. the first so called bomb wasn’t real !!! The deaths and injuries were caused by the real bomb which went off after the “first fake one” Get it through your thick head …. there was only one bomb.We haven’t been able to trust a word the Marxist media and “officials” say for decades, probably over a century. You look at the photographic evidence of the ‘bombing’ at can see plain and clear that it was another crisis drill gone live or something. Complete with shiny fake blood and a bloodless disappearing double amputee whose newly detached legs magically dissolve into thin air like a jetliner in Shanksville. There’s no valid evidence the smoke bombs killed or injured anyone. DON’T TRUST A WORD THE FASCIST MEDIA AND GOVMENT SAYS. Not a bloody single word.


  1. It's not the same address.

  2. Whoever made this video should NEVER be a private investigator - because his ability to use logic doesn't exist. He asks people to use his brain, though he cannot use his own. His entire argument uses some faulty database that he believes is faultless. He should search on people he knows so he can prove that database is currently and up to date with its info...because it obviously is not. Don't waste your time with this video.

    1. MORONS making statements as such and in light, but using "anonymous" as a moniker HAVE NO CREDIBILITY and shouldnt be given the time of day.
