Friday, 26 April 2013

US Hospitals send hundreds of Immigrants back home

In the past 5 years, over 600 undocumented immigrants have been deported from US hospitals while they were unconscious, after health care providers decided it would cost too much to let them stay. The numbers are sure to be higher because estimating the number of cases is difficult since no government agency or organization keeps track and many go unreported. The federal government claims it's not involved in the hospital deportations, that it has been the decisions of the health care providers exclusively to send patients back to their home countries without their knowing --- all in the name of curbing medical expenses. It's so common now that it even has a name "medical repatriation," where the patients are placed on chartered international flights paid for by the hospitals. All taking place in what seems to be an unregulated sort of a black hole without any way of monitoring the practice.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so? This is nothing new. Illegal aliens... excuse me... undocumented immigrants have been a burden to southern California hospitals for quite sometime and is one of the reasons why medical costs are so high. I'm not entirely without compassion, but as a taxpayer I'm getting damn tired of having to shoulder the burden for these illegals especially when I can't afford medical insurance of my own.
