Monday, 17 December 2012

Newtown school shooting ~ The Preppers are to be Blamed ?

“The finger of blame for Friday’s Sandy Hook school massacre has been firmly pointed at gun owners since the very first moments after the tragedy became public . . .” It does not matter who they assign blame to. The simple fact is that if you cherish your liberty, principals and lifestyle, you are not with the program, and therefore, are the enemy. That is what it all boils down to. Get ready to protect yourself and your loved ones. Because, if you try to hide who you are and what you stand for, you are already doomed.

1 comment:

  1. What a load of horse shit! America is just a stupid country that hates people and worships guns. Only an idiot would think that owning an assault rifle would be a reasonable thing to own. 30,000 people die each year because of the American obsession with guns. It is time to grow up. Guns do not prevent government tyranny! Except in the eyes of the NRA who exist only to sell guns to idiots.

    Are any of your silly guns going to be a match for what the government can produce? Bang bang! was that your Glock bringing down an F16, I don't think so.
    Relying on your hand guns, shot guns and even assault rifles means you are an idiot with no chance of stopping an Abrahams tank, an A10, or a cruise missile.

    American gun crazy morons are an entire joke in the rest of the world. By the way the lies of the NRA are only believed by morons. Hitler did not introduce gun control to Germany and neither did Mao introduce it to China. These are historical facts.

    If you are idiot enough to believes the lies of the military industrial complex which includes the NRA, nobody will ever take you seriously as you are part of the problem.

    Few civilized countries have more than 100 gun deaths a year. America has 30,000 the statistics speak for themselves.
