Monday, 17 December 2012

The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War

The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War

A must see for all truthers, christians and muslims alike. Please help in sharing this video . The world is being set for the next false flag event, a nuclear world war! Of which, Barack Obama (the Leopard) is the one orchestrating it. For many, the truth may seem stranger than fiction, but my hope is that this video may open the eyes of you who are in darkness and to provide those who are awake the answers you are looking for. Be prepared, the FIRE is about to RISE and the man of perdition is about to be REVEALED! The Image PEOPLE is the United Nations which is the IMAGE of the FIRST WILD BEAST, THE "LEAGUE OF NATIONS" AND RESURFACED AS THE "UNITED NATIONS". SATAN'S COMPLETE RELIGIOUS IMAGE AND COMPLETE POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS EMPIRE. WAKE UP! DO NOT GIVE YOUR POWER OR WORSHIP TO THE WILD BEAST. The 7th Head is the ANGLO-AMERICAN WORLD POWERS of Britain and America. IT IS PROPHETIC!  IT IS REAL! The 7th head gives its power and authority to the Wild Beast Image. Babylon the Great=all false religions .The NWO is being led by the UN. The largest voting block on the UN is the OIC. The OIC are open about their plans for world domination. Furthermore, they can boast of a 1,400 year totalitarian system. I wonder if the Chinese political elite will happily 'convert' when the time comes. The offer; get rich from war booty, slaves and full hareems, resist and risk death, slavery or your hands and feet chopped off. Once the kuffar have been obliterated then the elites have ready made slaves.


  1. He is what I call the Beast from the East,a lying scum bag,he shows compassion just to make you think he cares about your family and kids,dry tears not really crying,he is a false messiah,he's no "God". Thank goodness he will be out of our lives soon,for opur savior will be here to take us Home,only the true believers will be saved so jump on board before it's to late,for some it's to late they sold their souls for a brief time of what they call fun,that is sad,very sad,no time for tears???

  2. That is every politician you idiot moron. Wake up. IF it wasn;t Obama it would be that worse shithead Romney.
