Sunday, 16 December 2012

Save Lives , Keep Civilians Armed

The purpose of the second amendment never had anything to do with "Sporting Purposes", as in this video depicting the Battle of Athens, the 2nd amendment is guarantor of all the other amendments (and all Constitutional Law) safe from a tyrant government that's gone astray. The 2nd amendment is the provider/protection of the people from their government ... it's a built-in "in case of emergency break glass" contingency. --Long Live the Republic!


  1. Law abiding citizens are the ones needing guns.

    Had that school in CT had a sign on the School posted on all outside walls:

    This is a well trained heavily armed school by its teachers and staff. You are well advised to take caution.

    Think about that.

    1. The rest of the world does think. The rest of the world does not have its children continually gunned down by legally held guns.

      30,000 people killed every year in the US by mostly legally held guns.

      There is far less gun crime in countries with a ban on guns.

      The US military should also be disarmed and banned from all other countries. They are good at murdering civilians but make no progress against real soldiers as in Korea and Vietnam. In fact the tiny NVA completely kicked their arses and I watched them flying away in helicopters.
