Sunday, 16 December 2012

Mayor Bloomberg Wants to Disarm The Slaves

Bloomberg is either retarded or schizophrenia, this is a republic not a monarch, the reason Obama has to go to congress is called checks & balances, this is to prevent tyranny. Bloomberg also contradicts himself talking about "illegal guns", so how is a ban gonna help if they're already illegal? Also, why didn't he call for disarming his police after they shot those 9 innocent people at the Empire State Building? He kept his mouth shut on gun control on that.

The dictator of New York speaks again. New Yorkers deserve this want to be king boy! Yeah the guns don't belong on the streets, they belong in our homes to protect us from want to be Kings like Bloomberg the Magnificent taker of 16 oz cokes! We certainly do not want guns in the hands of government only! What a liar. The founding fathers were quite clear that we be able to protect ourselves from power hungry maniacs like this guy!


  1. No ammount of talking or rhetoric will dissuade these would be dictators from their course! It is the unbending will and the fire of blazing freedom that keeps them at bay! They don't fight the battles of enslavement themselves, they send pliant lackeys to do their bidding! Always have, and always will.
