Sunday, 16 December 2012

The World is Not Going to End on December 21st 2012 Period , It is All a HOAX

What better way to dupe a population: Manufacture a doomsday scenario to conceal more nefarious actions. People will wake up in the morning and breath a sigh of relief on 22 December 2012 thankful to be alive oblivious to the carpet being pulled out from under them.


  1. The world as we know it WILL END on December 21st, regardless of who says what! Look around FOLKS, does this look ANYTHING like the world that you grew up in? It doesn't frighten me in the least. When I feel down, all I have to do is LOOK UP, for we are ALL just passing through. If I would listen to ANYONE, it sure as HELL wouldn't be the baby eating Mayans, or the DEMONIC/BABY KILLING "Globalists!"

    1. Welcome back Ron btw , glad to see you back ...LOL ...

  2. I spent all my money, it better had bloody ended by then :(

  3. So, why have you been spreading fear inducing stories on the subject all year?

    We're fed far too much diversionary rot these days. Have you no shame?

  4. A shift in conscious needs to change on this planet! Weather its beginning 12-21-12 is so open to conjecture further contemplation presented on many fronts would leave us all confused! And therein lies the answer...keep the masses in a state of unknowing so the elite incrementally cement their agenda for a NWO. What a load of trash how, can they possibly Belive that they can overide the will of Gods plan for us all! The so called elite are nothing but a tool used by our creator To awaken to our true nature to who we have always being' eternal and all powerful. God bless All.
