Saturday, 6 April 2013

Planned Economic Collapse 2013-2014 Planned Around Arrival of 2nd Sun Brown Dwarf Star

Controlled Worldwide Economic Collapse Planned Around Arrival of 2nd Sun Brown Dwarf Star

The 2nd Sun / Brown Dwarf Star's return fits in perfectly with the bankers plans, but kept secret from the masses. This controlled collapse of the world economcy is premeditated and planned with the exact arrival of this 2nd Sun. It's called weath destruction and consolidation into a NWO, a one world goverment, a one world currency, and a one world religion in order to bankrupt the governments of the world and bring them to their knees for total control. This way they can take away all the blame from themselves and hide their real goal of pillaging the people and eventually forcing everybody in the entire world to accept a RFID chip in their hand so they can't buy, sell or trade without accepting this device. This way, they can track everything you do and your whereables. And if you resist or do or say anything they don't like, all they have to do is turn off your chip or make it explode and kill you with deadly poisons. These bankers will keep this financial mess going until they are able to let it all go with the passing of this 2nd Sun / Brown Dwarf Star


  1. that mask is so cheesy and over used. i'm tired of people hiding behind something

  2. Anyone can paint a coming collapse but what noones telling you who is going to fix it, n that my friends is the biggest deception that will be cast upon this earth. And if you don't have our Heavenly Fathers Truth locked in your mind that the false messiah satan himself cast from Heaven to the earth Rev.12:9 appearing in the Holy Land(Jerusalem) not coming as satan oh no he'll claim hes Jesus(For Anti taken from the Greek does mean Against rather Instead Of Christ) his family the Kenite(Hebrew word meaning children of Cain read 1John 3:12 see who Cains father was) bankers that control heads of state n all the big corporations are setting the stage for his return. Take a few minutes n give a listen to Pastor Murray @ ShepherdsChapel in won't take you long to figure out that what you've been taught for many years has been mostly traditions of man not Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter verse by verse out of a original King James Bible with understanding a child could absorb.For Rev. 13'3 after satan heals that deadly wound to the one world government mostly all will wonder n worship after the beast. Just trying to give you a lil Heads Up plant a lil seed in your mind......

  3. Agree Kyle.
    "they" hide behind annon, and "they" come out and attack and falsely accuse others, as "they" do not have the guts to stand in the light, and be "they" cannot stnad the light, so "we" cannot "watch" them.

  4. Does Pastor Murray pay for theese constant advertisment promoting him

    PLEASE people read the Word of God, and put IT above the teachings of men...and be concerned whenONE man is constantly promoted as having all truth

  5. I don't think money can save you from the Radiation from the sun you can buy iodine and put reflective insulation in your windows to avert dangerous sun rays, sun lotions that block the sun water and canned foods Good Luck I would buy an older car that don't need a new key that will not work the event is already set August 15 to the 17 of August and we will be rocked with space rocks and strange weather,The second sun that comes every 700 years is here
