Sunday, 7 April 2013

Reflections on a World Gone Crazy ~ Susanne Posel

Red Ice Radio - Susanne Posel - Hour 1 - Reflections on a World Gone Crazy

Susanne Posel is an investigative journalist from, an alternative news website dedicated to exposing the elite and their plans to globalize money, governments and people. Susanne discusses her entry into alternative media and her understanding of how many grassroots organizations and movements are under elite control. In the second hour with Susanne Posel, we'll continue on fake revolutions and the reformation of society. We'll discuss internet censorship, Raytheon's Riot software and manipulation via the aid of social media. Then, Susanne will discuss Neocons as Trotskyites, exporting the revolution, faux conservatism and collectivist movements. Later, we cover transhumanism and Agenda 21 and discuss where a godless, soulless scientific dictatorship is taking humanity.


  1. Susanne Posel seems like a fairly intelligent woman. At first she speaks of not having a television for over nine years, then she states that she won't let her kids watch certain cartoons. Which is it Susanne, do you have a television or not? Also, regarding the Baker NOT wanting to bake a cake for a same sex couple. Sorry honey, but Sodomites are an ABOMINATION in the sight of our Lord! Why do you think we are in the mess we're in? Abortions and Homosexuals are a SCOURGE to this nation, that's a FACT! Maybe you should start reading again, try opening up the Bible sometime, it wouldn't hurt.

    1. Because she hypocritically uses her computer to entertain her children and herself and thinks that's okay. And forget about Posel hearing anything about Christianity ... She has as much disdain for the Christian as she does for the Jew. Posel is into new-age eastern mysticism and worships rocks. She came to alternative media with the ideology of the extreme far left and if you listen to her close enough she gives it away all the time. She talks a good game but underneath it all she is all about agenda 21. Susanne has done some internet censoring of her own of late too. Susanne Posel is a proven plagiarist just google Susanne Copy paste Posel and that's just one example. She censors news about herself so you won't find much.

    2. Its an abomination unto the Lord> He will not stand for it >never did so you are right .If she has a disdain for Christianity why would she go on a Christian talk show?

  2. a mess is as well a sign of transition, a messy reality is due because the new is misunderstood, those in power confuse the new with danger and they reject it. the new will remain, reason why changes are unavoidable. technology has on one hand help but on the other hinder and confuse, rulers, slaves and liberators. technology is just a part of a wheel, not the wheel itself. brains are finally learning how to use the mind, technology can help you or hinder you. you can say an intellectual logical natural selection.
