Friday, 5 April 2013

Webbot Clif High: How Bitcoin will collapse currency as we know it

Recorded on April 4, 2013 . In this episode, Clif High gives a primer on Bitcoin, which he believes will collapse currency as we know it

The Clipper chip was an attempt by the gov't to have access to everybody's encrypted information by forcing them to use an encryption chip which had a private key accessible by the gov't at all times. It is analogous to the gov't attempting to seize somebody's Bitcoins, it was a failure with the Clipper chip and it would be a failure with Bitcoin. Unless the government is torturing you, there is no way for the to steal your private key which you use to sign Bitcoin transactions.


  1. LOL - Cliff High seems to be high on drugs and has no clue that Bitcoin is going to go through a systematic destruction. This guy has made so many stupid claims, everything from October surprises (which by the way he predicts every year) to failed predictions about Iran war to failed predictions about economic collapse, to failed predictions about natural disasters, to failed predictions about man-made disasters. I don't know why anyone would waste their time interviewing this foolish man.

      Before anyone accepts this swill, you should read up on what happened to Bunker Hunt when he tried to corner silver.
      This is another attempt at PUMP AND DUMP!!!!!
      There will be a new digital currency before or after the collapse but it will be put together by a consortium of global brains that will probably include Ray Kurzweil,
      Paypal, the Chinese, IMF, Fed Reserve, and Global Elites.

  2. it is not impossible that washington is under hypnosis, however bitcoin cannot save the republic, neither mark kaiser. However western civilisation as you know it has collapse, bankers are over, i suggest to close them all up, and get government to run the financial distribution, for now. them you can find some philosophy that will make existance just and livable.

  3. the internet is not exactly what is said to be it is information that travels between brains, and they use mechanical devices. however minds have this possibility,they do not need a mechanical device! humans have brains, like all living organism, but not all of them have minds, a mind is not the same as a brain. a mind is a level above the brain, it interacts with gamma waves, x rays, as well it has the capability to link with electromagnetic impulses, on the universe, the brain is unable to do that, a I-phone is a device for the brain, not the mind, the mind does not need it. folks think they use their mind they don't what they use is mostly their brain, their biological brain if you like, just like any other animal.

  4. Or facebook/xbox credits..? I do believe more competing currency systems will appear. How about paypal starting its own currency? They're already in the game when it comes to online payment.. I guess right now everyone is scared to step out of line and become a target of the current system. Though I'm sure humans will prevail and find new system(s) to facilitate trade among us after the fall of the global banking empire. Currency is after all just a clearing mechanism for barter.
