Tuesday, 2 April 2013

European Bank Runs Could Spread Like Wildfire Due to Cyprus Banks - Laurence Kotlikoff

Laurence Kotlikoff is professor of economics at Boston University, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, fellow of the Econometric Society, and former senior economist of the Presidents Council of Economic Advisers.

Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff says banking problems in Cyprus "could spread like wildfire throughout Southern Europe and Northern Europe and into the U.S. because we have a banking system that's built to fail." Dr. Kotlikoff also says, "It's going to happen in the form of a crash in the bond market. Interest rates are going to skyrocket, and we're probably going to have high inflation because the government is printing money out the wazoo." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University.

1 comment:

  1. LeRoy Matthews8 April 2013 at 08:34

    Study my Letter on Diana@Philosophyinaction.com,
    (search for Crazy Inbox 6498),etc.
    I wrote to Professor Kotlikoff some time ago. He's Insane.
    He's apparently stating that the US National Debt is about $228 Trillion, & going up about $1 Trillion a month. Really?
    The GDP of the world itself is apparently about $76.5 Trillion.
    He's apparently predicting World-Wide Economic Collapse &/or Hyperinflation. I'm not.
    He's apparently claiming that our Banking Systems, Economic Systems, Stock Markets, Monetary Systems, etc., are built to fail, & will fail. I'm not.
