Monday, 1 April 2013

David Icke : The Rothschild Agenda...Third World War & New World Order

The Rothschild control the banks of the world, and they print the money out of thin air, so everything can be "bought". Money equals debt, it means nothing to them, it's just a way of enslaving us the population of the world, to work the rest of our life. "Don't think, just work and watch TV before you go to sleep". One thing people and governments seems to forget is that we (the citizens) have the greatest resource on our side when it come to war and/or conflict (which we will see soon enough) we have overwhelming NUMBERS. They cannot possibly hope to stop even half of us when the time comes to rise up and do something. The biggest crutch to this is the ones who dont know, the blind ones, the ones who sit by idle and do nothing. The sooner we are all educated the sooner we can all change this place.


  1. Look everybody! It's the King of BULLSHIT!
    How are those reptilian shape shifters my friend? Please do say hello to them on my behalf and let them know I'm more than willing to help their "order" (of BULLSHIT)...

    1. This moron has no sense of what is really happening in Syria etc, all BULLSHIT spewing from an ignoramus who has not set up foot on Syrian soil to report on what is really going on. It's not just about rebels and mercenaries, it's also about real Syrians fighting for their rights after years of political and tyranical molestation at the hands of their own government.

  2. Anonymous said "real Syrians fighting for their rights".
    -That was a joke, right?
    Do you know anyone from Syria who lives there?
    These so called "rebels" are all foreigners.

    1. There are real Syrians fighting for their rights and for their nation. I find it hilarious that you would think that only foreigners are involved, and yes, I have many Syrian friends who can confirm this as their families currently live in Aleppo, Damascus and Old Damascus, they can all confirm that there are ACTUAL Syrians involved in the fighting, perhaps not at the level of the mercenaries however to suggest that they are all foreigners shows how truly ignorant you are.
      Go back to your Alex Jones kool-aid drinking habit...
