Monday, 1 April 2013

The Illuminati have their first Jesuit Pope in The Vatican

The Illuminati: The Pope Francis I Conspiracy

The Jesuits are the Illuminati. They will use any trick in the book to fulfill their plans (they wrote the book) They use the saying "the end justifies the means", so they don't have any rules to live by. When you look at it all of this leads to the Vatican, and the Freemasons. The reason why they worship a owl is because they are worshiping pagan deities . When you think about it the Illuminati are part of the conspiracy too because they are also a secret society, all secret societies are mystics like the skull and bones some people think its just a fraternity but its more than that.They have a whole agenda to gain control of the world and lead us into a NWO one world government and one religion and their religion is NOT of god, their religion has its roots in Babylon. The Jesuits who are in the Vatican and around the world are Antichrist and they have been trying to take over since the beginning they are the ones who killed Christians and tried to convert people to follow their pagan religion. These people sacrifice babies and drink blood, the same thing Babylonians did.


  1. We'll see how this new pope accepts the false messiah coming at the 6th trump thats when satan is cast from Heaven to the earth Rev. 12:9 appearing in the Holy Land Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus he'll be very convincing reason why our Father shorten his stay to 5 months or he would deceive even Gods Elect. The Mark of the Beast is that Truth that satan comes at the 6th Trump our Real Lord Jesus comes at the 7th Trump in Your Brain. If your lookin for some Truth as theres so much deception in these closing days of this 2nd earth age visit ShepherdsChapelbroadbandpage 24/7 give a listen to Pastor Arnold Murray A former US Marine Gunny Sgt who served in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir teaching Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse w/understanding even a child can absorb for well over 50 years.Or you can listen to traditions of man taught by most preachers, its your choice.

  2. You Christians make me laugh, every pope is the marker of the anti-Christ, and the "Malachy prophecies weren't wrong" - bullshit is bullshit my friend, if you can't smell it then maybe you should just give up with your false preachings and move on to a real job, perhaps make a difference in the world rather than continually suggesting BULLSHIT that's not going to happen any time soon.
    Also, the Bible is a man-made book containing over 60,000 errors many of which are historical, like the Book of Revelations, littered with much BULLSHIT probably from a man who spent too much time breathing in methane.
